Shipping Policy
All shipments will be shipped from our Australia warehouse. We aim to dispatch orders within 1-2 business days of orders being placed; however, this is not a guarantee. We will not accept P.O. Boxes as a ship to address. Our Expected Delivery times are a post-dispatch estimate. If an expedited freight method is selected, additional charges may apply.
*VAT & Customs Charges
Please note all international customs charges, taxes and VATS are not included and are payable by the receiver. FS8 Store is not responsible for any additional charges, taxes and VATS incurred for shipping orders internationally.
UK Shipping Rates
UK with Auspost International Standard up to 3kg
$75.15 AUD (+$9.50 per kg)
UK with Auspost International Express up to 3kg
$88.65 AUD (+$13.50 per kg)
UK with DHL Express up to 3kg
$146.46 AUD (+$32.25 per kg)
USA Shipping Rates
USA with Auspost International Standard up to 3kg
$67.59 AUD (+$8.50 per kg)
USA with Auspost International Express up to 3kg
$81.10 AUD (+$12.75 per kg)
USA with with DHL Express up to 3kg
$139.53 AUD (+$29.50 per kg)